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发布日期:2017-06-25 字号:[ ]

姓名:马丽莉 性别:女 职称:讲师    
2008.9-2009.11 英国爱丁堡大学 心理学 硕士学位
2001.8-2004.7 北京协和医科大学 护理学 硕士学位
2011.5-至今        九州手机登录入口,九州(中国) 讲师
2004.7-2007.3 北京协和医院 护师
1993.7-2001.7 湖南株洲  331医院 护师 
Muge Chele,Lili Ma*,Lihong Zuo,et al. Investigation of the hope level and its influencing factors in patients with multiple myeloma[J]. Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing, 2013,19(18):2113-2116 (In Chinese)  
Yanyan cui, Shuang Wang, Lili Ma*, et al. Effect of nursing intervention on serf-efficacy of patients with chronic kidney disease under Clark’S wellness-nursing model[J]. Chinese Journal of Modern Nursing, 2013,19(1):43-46 (In Chinese)  
Xinyan Liu, Lili Ma*, Fangyu, Yang, et al. A qualitative study of inpatients' perspective on psychological empowerment in the patient-nurse encounter[J]. Nursing Practice and Research, 2013, 10(15): 3-7 (In Chinese)  
Sau Fong Leung, Lili Ma*.The correlate of disordered eating with body image dissatisfaction and psychological health of Chinese university students in Hong Kong and Mainland China[J]. Journal of Eating Disorders 2014, 2(Suppl 1):O37  
Lili Ma, Fangyu Yang. Correlation between empathy and personality in clinical nurses[J]. Journal of Nursing Administration, 2015,15(2): 89-90 (In Chinese) 
Liu Yingjie, Jia Qiang, Lili Ma * et al. Revision of the Taiwan Instrument of Early Stage Chronic Kidney Disease Self-management[J]. Journal of Nursing Science 2015, 30(3): 18-216 (In Chinese) 
Lili Ma, Huilan Xu, Fangyu Yang, et al. Revision of the Taiwan Instrument of Early stage Chronic Kidney Disease Self-efficiency[J]. Journal of Chinese Nurses, 2015, 19(3):831-834  (In Chinese) 
Lili Ma, Fangyu Yang. Application of psychodrama teaching method in empathy teaching for nursing undergraduates[J] Chinese Nursing Research, 2015, 29(3C):1109-1111 (In Chinese) 
Lili Ma, Lihui Liu, Lijie Xu et al. Negative Mood and Post-traumatic Growth in Breast Cancer Patients: A Longitudinal Research[J]. Journal of Nursing(China), 2016, 23(10): 53-56 (In Chinese) 
1.Human caring in nursing. Peking University Medical Press. Beijing, 2015. Editor
2.Basic Knowledge for Pediatric nurses. Chemistry Industry Press. Beijing, 2014, Editor
3.Nursing practice and safety. Coal Industry Press. Beijing, 2014, Editor

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